my response
Mapping Workshop: -

For this workshop we began to explore how we could map specific types of information, during the workshop we looked at The Guardian - Data Blog and looked at how they mapped different things that happened during the riots.

The Data Blog had a live interactive news on what was going on and in which area. http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2011/aug/09/uk-riots-data-figures

In the group I worked we we wanted to show how severe the attacks were on each area, we were given cloured string and began to note down and sketch our findings and ideas (Fig 1 and 2). after this, we mapped our findings and used the string to represent the severity of what happened in an area i.e Fig 3 shows that in Haringey they were sever amounts of vandalism and we represented this by using a large amount of string and by being selective with out choice of colour.
(Fig 2)
(Fig 1)
(Fig 3)