Masquerade (1959-1961), Saul Steinberg. Photography by Inge Morath.

The couple engaged in a project in which they got their friends and acquaintances to wear paper bags with expressions drawn on them. The photography works well with this project as in modern day we are seeing the overuse of 'The Selfie' and with this project, it works because the artists know who their friends are, and in a way this is their 'Selfie' to their friends.
Sascha Nordmeyer: Communication Prosthesis

For those with communication issues, Sascha Nordmeyer has provided a communication prosthesis which holds the mouth open into a awkward smile almost. This prosthesis is made for those who can’t put into words what they can say with a smile, it engaged the audience on an emotional and humorous level one we can always relate to.

Oliviero Toscani: Benneton
(Right gif)

Toscani is known for his ‘Shock Factor’ style of photography using photography/communication design as a means for social intervention. these photographs work not only because they are shocking but because they encourage the audience to look for more information regarding the issues raised in the photograph.